[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

okay this joke wasn’t as funny as I thought it was

flavor really won’t help solve tbh
it’s NAI excluding maybe 1/2 cases which is like ~3% of the game

so helpful

Flavor vig might exist tho

I doubt it, to be honest.

Flavor vig might exist tho

Idk man

I think Derps is probably rand >V for being so obstinate like this, tbh.

but flavour vig might not exist, except more authoritative

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Sure it might not

But it also might so it dosent hurts to have them claim and hope they commit die

sorry alice i’m obliged by contract to call you >rand wolf because you posted the first read of the game
you know the rules

i don’t wanna bet on the odds that a flavor vig exists

it’s stupid

This idea won’t really work being that wolves have no reason to shoot the PoE.

Reminder this is huge, but remember this is like joat 9 or any of the other games where scum can easily claim these unlesss the cards have an IC like effect, so be prepared for someone to inevitably claim it, now what Im saying is to not 100% trust it, but semi trust it. Where u at least take them away from main lynch but dont cc it. That was the thing i learned the most from joat 9.

Also lets keep this like insurgency (as only two people claimed, one with 60 other flavor claims, and one that was a wolf) and lets not flavorclaim as much as possible, in mashes there are inevitably anticlaim/flavorclaim, so lets keep that to a minimum knowing wether player is JakeTheWolfie or not is not gonna clear ya.

Lastly if you could put a clock thingy here to check back on, it really be a help eevee

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dat are you a wolf this game?

not at all, im excited as hell

because this sounds exactly like one of your rambly wolf posts

DatBird has won the event of “post a post”.

As you know posting posts is important in our community and his post won it.

He will get a prize shortly.

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/vote Dat

boom bye scum

The post felt overly performative here, so I’m inclined to agree.

the shot is on its way as we speak

any last words wolf?

Well this is 100% a rt and if u kill me ur a big dum dum head and will get to wear the DybuDabu crown this game