[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I really hope you’re not town at this point. Look what happened to Seth.

this does not feel like post somebody who got tracked do dead player would make


it has no urgency about it
which is odd

And cheese as well.

Like, as I said before people need to start playing the game they signed up for as not bothering to read the thread or make reads immediately puts you in the PoE regardless of alignment.


Why would he not reveal his role

He’s comparative investigator

What sense does that make

“Positive” like what? He’s not saying anything about what he’s done?

i want to point out that this is what i mean.
i see this post
i still have no idea what the deal with light is though, because it isnt directly said.
‘lights whole thing is speculation’ cool. that’d be great if i knew what light’s thing was. “my question on why he came to that conclusion” great, id love to know what that conclusion was.
“his kinda contradicted his statement” cool cool i now know both what his statement was and how it was contradicted.
etc, etc.
(dat you’re fine i wanted to show an example)

i dont even know what happened to seth.
so this kinda means nothing to me.

Would someone who visited the dead person say that

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What im saying is we could have had TMI if it was waited. If he said his conclusion on why hippo was neut we would have like definitive thing, but the oracle got out, and now we are in like a half hearted thunder dome. Plus ur ability litterally could give us false positive as it doesnt tell u everyone. Plus its on the dead guy which is like even more sus

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Yes, he’s just went and assassinated them

Then read the thread.

bro i swear if you read back to day start you’d have so much more information

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did you read my post there at all?
i showed how ive been reading recently, and still dont know, and so im asking

I know no way to get out of PoE.
I’ve made reads, I’ve said points, I claimed my action which the result was confirmed on.
I know that my role can come from scum too but it is how it is.

I targeted someone I thought was logical.
I have a few people in mind for my tonight target.

I’m just going to go for now, I feel a bit deflated tbh.

i am not reading a thousand posts.

i know myself, and if i try i will be just as confused if not moreso

I have deep seated paranoia for current thread direction, but I think ob is a wolf based off of that reaction to the claim
but I also don’t get why they claimed what they did instead of claiming something like doctor that got wrecked by a strongman

Well you’re either reading the last 350 or you’re dying to an ITA

or you could just answer a fucking question

i know nappy claimed self resolving but did anyone else as that shit should be handled now

mainly from alice
I feel like they’re opening up a lot of venues to make pushes and that they’ve been “too cleared” for doing very little