[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

You might aswell be a voting bot if you’re not even willing to form your opinions by yourself

A new NPCs have been summoned:

  1. “Sentence below me is true”
  2. “Sentence above me is false”

Everyone can target them as they are not part of any faction.


or at least supporting them

i do form my own opinions.
the fact that i gain information by asking others does not preclude me from forming my own opinions

It’s because the game-state is cancer rn. You have a shit-ton of players who’ve done nothing but mech talk and fluff, and some of them like Seth or Simon who haven’t even bothered to read the fucking read at all.


Yes it does, you’re not willing to actually go back and read the posts in context which means you’re always getting a biased answer from someone you have no actual information on UNLESS you’re scum with TMI

because i dont take the answers as necessarily true.
the more people that answer the more sure i can be of the answer’s validity, but i use my opinions of the people answering to filter my opinion on the subject, and i modulate it based on how much i can trust the answes

i am getting a biased answer your right. im very well aware of that fact, and it is what allows this to work.

If only I could give 1000 likes to this alone.

beating up on simon like this is literally hitting a brick wall

Like what? I’ve been trying to clear as many player as potentially possible so far.

I think your play here is extremely villagers tbh.

And honestly you shouldn’t be shit today because of the results you provided here light even confirmed your role having claimed to vist the target and I see very little reason you would lot the results as mafia here.

is there a reason this was replied to me?

I don’t vibe with you simultaneously being okay with my shotlist and being against me not wanting to follow marshal’s shotlist

Also if anyone can give me an extra ability please do so; I’m out of usages.
If the ability is not extra and just replenishes it’s probably best to use it on a better ability
I had a list of NPCs, Multiball, Events & Factions to pick from
I thought Multiball would solve if sulit was an executioner
I was wrong :upside_down_face:
I think sulit is just town that’s had a disagreement of reads like in Hell in the Cell d6

And he isn’t fucking helping. He’s literally refusing to read the thread in either way or form.

focus on shit that can be read for now
I’m coming back to it later

Because there’s a shit-ton of overlap there.

I thought I was replying to Alice.

I honestly don’t know what I would pick next out of those maybe NPC’s?

explain bolded portion