[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

ok i will
but first i need to leave for like an hour to calm down
im in no state to do any kind of thinking like that

kinda hoped u be a bit longer for more results. But up to you, either we can talk now and compromise future results or give it like 30 mins and by then I think the results will be as most as we can get it

I ate something bad earlier
sort of caught up with thread but not really

get the fuck off of simon
you have so many things you can do but you are going on a hunch on the player who is the most likely to do something like this

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Not true at all and you’ve fallen into my scumreads and my PoE.

Yes you just let people pocket you and then you she’s them lmao

Simon literally had the opportunity to self-resolve his slot and he fucking didn’t and wanted us to waste the day on him instead.

I’m kind of not in the mood to really have coherent thoughts
So I can go for later

eh i think things calmed down so results may be over
but like have u read recent stuff, like since event ende

almost nai


oh ok then it can wait

Name one instance when I’ve done that this game.

sort of

When I said light could have tmi you admited to it

That’s literally fucking gamethrowing.

It’s like an someone claiming Archer to have shot the claimed Prince because “it’s their playstyle” after being tracked.


well then I would read from the event onward, when u feel better. I have the stuff written down in my classcard to start this chat whenever

Because there’s no damn way a villager would rather was the day’s execution instead of self-resolving in an event.

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you can do better than saying someone is scum because of the fact they didn’t want to kill themselves
I don’t think it’s particularly ai because it requires you to know the mindset of the player in question

I’d rather have shots on wolfy people, not nully people

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We had told them they would be lynched if they didn’t shoot themselves.
They decided to waste KP.
They are dying.

Not wanting to die isn’t gamethrowing tho

From they PoV their town so you could make the argument suiciding is gamethrlwing because you killed confirmed town
