[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

At the same time, though, it’s a very high risk, since he has absolutely zero control over how it plays out. Besides, there is no thunderdome here. I do not have info stating there is a neutral or third party faction.

A neutral outed themselves and was ITAd that very day
A town member claimed neutral

Anyways sleep time

Villagers take control of thread back please and thank you I don’t appreciate wolves controlling thread


If I was scum sided neut I’d just fakeclaim for Town Cred

Okay, so again we go back to the only possiblity would be me as scum with knowing specifically that only scumsided neutrals exist
This still risks a 3p flip

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Ok so like again I wasnt in the event so like I cant say if more transpired in it, but after the event N’s mood completly changed. He was so anti Simon it felt really performative. 6544 and 6656 felt really unlike him imo. Its something I noticed and it just felt fake, and as u were scumreading them enough to shoot em I thought I would like your opinions on them

ive said what i did

it’s sorta lost it’s effectiveness

That’s actually one of the main reasons why I stopped pushing Simon and went to Solic, tbh.

How was he during the event?

like all i said is that i was rent free in your head

thats annoying yes but not bullying

Didn’t really pay much attention to him. Was basically just tunneling Simon during the entire event.

I can see that tonal shift

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the reason that i got even more enraged after the event is that he was so scummy in there and yet even in the face of communal outrage and lividity, he continues to do anything towny whatsoever. It’s why alice has gotten angrier too. It’s why I was so snappy against him in botf 2.

Second Event:Picture of my cat




im going to have four cat pics at my disposal

I consider it bullying when you do it so much when you know I absolutely hate it. When you attack the player like that and get them annoyed for the sake of annoying them, that’s bullying them. You should want everyone to enjoy themselves, not actively try killing someone’s enjoyment of the game like you’ve been doing to me.

This post gives me scum vibes

The tonal shift feels off and makes me feel like a good bit of the anger was fake

I’m actually going to sleep now

n.1 is acting incredibly performative
I wouldn’t deny any statement of the sort

now as for if it’s scummy or not…

it’s scummy
don’t kid yourself


i don’t hate you or anybody here

it’s nothing personal, it’s just a strat I tried and it sorta worked. Prob not going to do it again