[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Possible i did soft so if mafia did that because of what they suspect i am wouldn’t be suporsed but as long as i am stopped other roles get to go just hope there are PR’s out there for town doing the good stuff

Yeah and the potential flavor makes sense in my book and I can even elaborate on this further if you know what I was doing ealier

Or your mafia
Or your sanity is wrong

Can you tell me if we have conversion???

Also just checked i can’t ITA myself cause i am on my own team

If you want, I can reveal my mech info right now which I’ve already revealed to everyone who participated in event 3.

this is probably my most important most ngl

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Well, one of those is possible.

wait why only reveal to a set amount of people?
Cause if even a single mafia was there they out it to the core right?

It wouldn’t suprise me if this was GF with my flavor because Mole as a Pokémon related flavor makes NO sense

Wait NVM i am stupid slips

I mean, you’re not wrong. More than likely, we had at least one scum out of ten in there.

I was planning to reveal it EoD2, yet I was worried I would die without revealing the information I had.

I think I have nothing to lose revealing it now. The scum team/s have a godfather.

Guys, is Mole known for something Pokémon related?

That makes sense honestly wait is this shit multibal no that can’t be cause of Kyo’s info and Napoleoons role?

Is Napoleon a godfather though?

I can’t tell you if there is only 1 scum team or more as I don’t know. All I know is that the scum team/s have a godfather leading them.

What do you think of Tech as GF

Possible though I don’t think that’s a likely world we exist in.