[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!


again LW

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The way Simon and light were pushed felt very similar to Seth

And I’m pretty sure Seth was W motivated push

. . . are you just throwing out the possibility that nappy knew he was doomed and for perhaps in his last hours or more, he played as hard as he could to try to fool you in this regard

partner analysis is not an effective strat for a scummie who knew in advance he was about to die, unless you want to enter the WIFOM Colosseum.

I also can’t see a world where light is scum with like anyone else

…everyone pushed Seth as the only thing he did was fake-claim an important role, try to make a fake townslip, and then dipped out.

His interactions with Kyo were before he claimed Chloe and right around the start of the game.

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[quote=“Alice, post:7263, topic:81930”]

I gave a follow-up? This was when I first opened the thread and Nap randomly started talking to me in the weirdest unnatural way. I just started reading from the start while replying. Why would this warrant my death?? @Alice

Here is full convo:

I explained the miss me part prior actually where in me and Nap’s last game together, the last thing I said to him before he was dead, was that I missed him in thread and he said something like I didn’t miss you.

Like this disappearance comment was just ??? to me.

It was just fucking weird.

oh yeah
at the start, before he knew he was doomed
that’s still of value, i guess

Dosent change the fact that I think it was wolves who started and were big pushers for said Execute

Push a living wolf. Napoleon is dead.

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Why do you find me a bit scummy?

Am I in your PoE? What’s your PoE?

I’m not in my PoE. :smiley:

Solic, please read.

Gonna be honest PKR this confuses me on what your point is i was mafia I know just assume all others town am skip neutral hunting.

Also I thought cheese was town as there wasn’t resistance to the push in with way was trying to get the energy to ISO and show why when he got shot.

Also we need to just resolve light for the results to be confirmed at this point as light flipping mafia clears PKR and puts us in a more productive train of discussion atleast I hope so.

Yeah, N’s looking like a wolf trying to keep as many lynch options as open as possible.

You’re alive. I’m discrediting your argument that I still can’t wrap my head around.

why did you think cheese was town other than just lhf

Perhaps, he liked my message that Solic doesn’t understand what Gorta is saying and assume his own perspective than what Gorta is really saying about this

Wait how can I be playing similarly to that.

In NUF I tunneled light and just chilled as I killed all the cops that sorted D1.
Can you be more specific on what I am doing similar cause am calling BS on this read.