[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

assuming no one can, who might you intend to shoot?

And yourself. Can’t self-ITA because same faction.


Kyo literally tried to further push light with his mech oracle fakeclaim and when I CC’d him he immediately claimed 1-shot masonizer.

I really see no damn reason why V!Kyo would do this.

The host for making me not be able to shoot any of the targets I want.

its looking in a mirror at the levels of clarification of mechanics.
i mean this as a compliment

It feels fake, because it is fake. I explained that at length. Why does that make me scum for it?

Also, Kyo/Alice is a thunderdome 100%. I’m more willing to trust Alice. Plus, noots in for summer

yeah but like.
who would you actually shoot
gun to head, lets say

I don’t know what this is saaaaaaaaying

i tend to clarify mechanics when they come up, even when that may not be the best thing for town, as i like that being the case and dont like it when people fail from that

im not ascribing the second part to you, but im noting that the amounts your clarifying remind me of what i tend to do, and i think its neat

Its cause I’m worried he has tmi. Like idk if hes trying to bus you or mislynch you. And that’s what I’m trying to figure out. Honestly I did like ur rebuttal to him and Alice. So ur not immediate poe for now for me

or you clarified*
since this is the only time ive seen it i suppose

My brain can’t handle this. Should I just go play Skyrim?

I got a prize from the event but I don’t think it would be that useful to claim it right now so I will not be doing so.


Italy responds:

i don’t need ice to soothe that burn

that just wasn’t a burn


Alice responds:

dybu dabu dybu dabu



guys careful with itas

Hey you, your finally awake. You tried to cross the border right? Walked right into that imperial ambush same as us and that thief over there

Careful with loaded guns? Why? Can’t imagine a reason.