[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

And there was pretty much no other way of CC’ing Kyo.

I’m not disputing you. Read it again.

Can we get some more shots please
Game stale

Need deaths

Something has happened

i disagree

No kidding, I understand that as much.

PKR has joined the User Union and TrustworthyLiberal has joined the Judge Alliance

Well… Time to get those shots off, PKR.


Also, @PokemonKidRyan I believe you said your role got progressively better, right? And that’s why it started off so pisspoor? Have you already elaborated/care to?

/Insult Leafia

Leafia, what can I say about you this game? I was on your team in Insurgency and you managed to hold on long enough due to Apprentice yet you were such a hot mess that we almost lost due to you being unable to vote at a timer leaving me to pull your failure back from the brink. As a player you keep acting all buddy buddy and this means that simply, if you was in danganronpa, you’d just be killed off instantly. Perhaps it would be better that way, that way we would not have to deal with your scuminess this game.

Your name is Leafia and your PFP is a Leafeon. Of course, you had to choose the worst evolution as your PFP and your name is just lacklustre like your plays. I want to see whether you can challenge yourself to improve at some point, but for now, it is time to end our bout. Get out of my game, you wolf. No tricking anyone else.


Literally I find out about my next ability 2 hours before EoD.

Uh. UH. HUH?


Why do you think you made a bad play?

I commend you for staying calm against the out of line behaviour displayed in my opinion fyi.

This is giving me townlean
What is the case against Simon even? Everyone that knows his meta is that he prefers mechanical solving however frustrating. I think scum Simon would have simply quit.

I would also like it if you would vote someone. Town always needs to use their vote.

This timing is uncanny. I also dislike the shot.

The first ability made sense from the blue/pink perspective.
I assume that was why I started off so weak.

It’s ok to be wrong.
Leaf is scum, I’d be willing to gladiate Leaf if I had a gladiator shot.

Well your shot is now going to automatically fail…, so :man_shrugging:

How’s that?

You swapped to User Union and Leafia is also part of that.


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