[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Autocorrect likes to be funny.

Yeah. I didn’t think they’d fail this badly.

To be fair, at least 1 ita shot did hit so far :eyes:

Fun fact: Right now Italy literally has less posts than the host.

Eevee I demand we all get more ITAs

When did this happen

Hit the bot that tried to snipe me.

/in for whatever event Eevee is cooking up. I saw him typing.

Oh wait the npc I forgot

/insult N.1

“You suck” were the words he have spoken, yet your muzzle is broken and I hardly know u

Too wolfy to be actually wolf and I have been called the underdog you know

You hear that? It’s coming from your stomach so what is this about and you say you love brussel sprouts

Terrible rap yes true but I can say one word about your existence: boom

We wasted like 3-4 shots on it, so meh.


Why did you shoot N?

That’s sad.

I made a poe of blue people shooting one and pink people shooting another (N.1 and Italy)

update on that.
got a reward, although not going to out it just yet.
i assume it has mechanical significance, but if it does i dont know of it yet

I would like Frost to answer it thanks Birdo.

oh my b

What are the differences between this game and insurgency?

Well like personally I would like to know, as we prob shouldnt keep things secret unless its like anti town