[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

i have 1200 fyi
feeling lucky today

You pretty much swapped to Italy right at the last second.

well if no one else speaks up put all your coins on the last one.

I’m going to bed, tomoz im prolly isoing trustworthyliberal.

I’m still ALIVE

dude i cannot for the life of me keep track of whos even in the game at this point, let alone whose alive

should i spend my coins or smth

My wagon was not fully villagers and I’ve literally pushed two wolves now. Three if I’m right about Italy being a wolf.

I have many coins

I am saving them for last auction

I am very rich

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I mean they all just died becaue N.1 tried to kill them im p sure.

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dont we get more coins every auction or am i mistaken?

You need to send which item you are bidding, lol.

It’s not a bulk sale.

No clue

i think, for the first round anyone who isnt consensus town can spend however they wish. consensus town should save their money for second and third rounds

ive just learned that these rounds are not bought in bulk
its bidding for each item individually, and there are 3 rounds of items


Did N knew who he was going to sabotage or did he do it indiscriminantly?

Yes, and I was pushing for N.1 to be lynched. While you were defending him somewhat.

I feel like ALL the players the attention was on just died and im suddenly noticing players like Sulit and thinking “wait why havent i read you at all”

Everyone ignores me :^)

You do not.

You have 3 roounds of auction in a row.

If oyu spend them all early, you won’t have enough for later rounds.