[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

eevee said the rounds get better progressively so you should probably not have towncore spend all their coins right away?

Only due to fear and because the Italy wagon was picking up Steam. I already explained that to you.

i think a mid-range town read should go for mystery.

does anyone know what the 4th item even is?

N.1 in deadchat:



He just answered his answers quickly so everyone had less time so we cldnt get enough points to survive. This is not 100%, I just saw he had most answers answered every time compared to everyone else. He may have just been good, but he also acted hella hella shady in chat towards the end.

i understand it
it means you get to ignore the restriction of someone being on the same faction as you

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The optics of it are still horrible.

Everyone should prolly just save coins for last

Or all town at leasts


He didn’t refute anything when we were all saying he was scum who saboutaged us, he stayed silent liking meme posts.

thats why i said anyone who isnt consensus town can spend how they wish

tbh you and Hippo were like already thread spewed hard V. Me I was close, but not fully

basically if you get the 4th one
let’s say you’re user union
this other person on your team is super scummy
you can use your one shot bypass to shoot him anyways because rules are for nerds

In a sec.

apprentice did you double?

@sulit did you win coins at all?

i quadrupled because i’m a total gamer with 1200 coins
this is gamer time

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@Italy I require you to buy that cop check with all ur gold and use it today

We were forbidden from submitting answers without having them all filled out so it basically had to be him I think. Plus he didn’t deny it