[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Actually do it
Frost is probably a wolf

Why am I making decisions at 2

Why are there so many scummy players…

So mist is dying instead?

hello solic

You going to be disappointed

why am i trying to form a coherent thought at 4 am after waking up about half an hour ago

I’d be okay with either as well.

I’m not voting Mist. Hardly read anything they had done.

Ici claimed, then they got into a thunderdome, then they announced that the fucked up their action
That’s a wtf tier play
So geyde says delicious

I’m fine with Frost/Italy

Lets fill Solic in with what happened. Ici claims to be a day doctor.

That is not productive reply I see one.

What do you think of Ici’s claim and how he claims he visited you instead?

yes yes we’re aware that I’m a bad player who should just stick to hosting dumbass setups
can you just decide on somebody to kill that isn’t a completely awful idea so I can help

Lynch anything but Ici for now

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It’s no use, because I skimmed past few posts. In a team meeting soon with work, sooo just checking in for inevitable swap offs. :eyes:

you know
strangely enough

this is only the second time a false thunderdome was formed because someone didn’t read their results right

Considering that Mole was pushing me super hard and that Mist swapped into his slot, Mist has my vote.

Why are we not lynching Italy?

You mean Ici didn’t read his actions right.

I don’t know