[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

which auction?

The only other dayvig that has worked similarly at this point was pretty much guaranteed to be from scum
It doesn’t work

Unless eevee is literally lying about the event

According to Eevee, he could sell those items due to lack of interest.

Alice shot 'im


theres three people who said they partipated how tf was it lack of interest


The announcement literally confirms that I’m not lying.

and? Im pissed

mod announcement means that alice likely isn’t lying

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unless something extraordinarily dumb happened

I have no fucking idea. Eevee isn’t going to explain how the mystery worked, just that the auction was cancelled because of “lack of interest.”

like whats the point of an auction and me not betting on first round if second and third round dont happen and just go to alice cause lol. Its dumb

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“Obliviate” I guess

Ah. So you shot Derps Alice?

I mean I literally bid in the second auction so I’m confused as fuck

That’s been established ever since Derps was shot, yes


Yes, I shot Derps as he literally ignored all the three flipped wolves and was just tunneling villagers non-stop.

I’m just as confused as you are App.