[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!


are itas active?

I thought they were was on the SoD post right?

The Insult window is now open

Should be by now.

You just outed yourself as wolf to me. Or a neutral. I have mech info that I got last night that says that PKR was scum.

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Please ping me in any insults

Am town and checked you last night.

Get your result tonight so unless something happened to falsify my info your wrong

TL is the shot because she’s lying about getting PKR’s alignment.

…is this true or just a FPS?

Yeah cop covers down sorry guys :pensive:

Trying a new strate didn’t work am nothing to do with cops and have no night action at all just a passive that’s very bland should have said it yesterday was just preying I died last night and would help in that manner.

I just auto vote anyone voting me IE you vote me and I have an extra vote on you that is hidden.

This is negated at 5 or less players

I’ll admit that it’s not exactly true but no way was PKR town. I’d bet my life on it. TL can’t be telling the truth here.

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do u really think N and scumteam would do more than a 2 for X trade

If you want to kill me I will atleast shoot Frost first as they are one of my two strongest wolf reads

…I’m p sure I know your flavor.

Don’t lie about dead players’ alignments otherwise this can fuck up associative reads.

do it then

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So you were lying about being able to see PKR’s alignment then.

Am sorry okay I just wanted to die last night before I had to go further with the claim.

Also why I called it delayed but I do believe PKR/zone was town