[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!


/insult Frostwolf
“u pretty weirdchamp”

Frostwolf responds:

What sort of person calls me weird using a sockpuppet account? Show yourself!


Yeah blast someone in PoE, as long as they’re the other color

I’m basically re-analyzing Frost and gorta rn as they’re pretty much the immediate ones I can shoot.


I mostly agree with current PoE I think but Geyde is definitely right that we have non PoE wolves. I’m gonna go reevaluate yesterday’s wagon progression

Who are in the PoE again?


No limit to number of participants, and you don’t need to type /in to participate.

Community meme festival!

Our community may be bad at many things, but we’re good at making memes. Your task is to make a meme about this game.

Memes should be submitted in the game thread by tagging me and making it clear that you’re trying to submit a meme.

The deadline to submit a meme is 2020-06-10T05:00:00Z.

The winner of the event will not be announced publicly.


@Arete meme submission

1 Like

Spam Emails:

/insult Frostwolf103

Frostwolf responds:

Another sockpuppet insulting me? Cowards!


Meme time.

My meme is this.

Derps: Light is scum!

Light turns out to be town.

Derps: Alice is scum!

Alice is very likely town.

Derps: Anyone else townie I can accuse of being scum?

Conclusion: t!Derps loves accusing town of being scum. @Arete


/insult Chemist

Mist responds:




@Arete meme submission

1 Like

Arete Bot:

/insult Frost
“You are the real nerd here. Dont even make wall posts.”

Frostwolf responds:

And how does not making wallposts make me a nerd?


Anyone who played here back in '18 would know what I’m talking about.

1 Like

The sentence above me is false:

/insult Frostwolves

Frostwolf responds:

What? That isn’t even a sentence.


/insult Frost

You think you’re cool just because of your name?I’ve seen melted popsicles cooler than you are.


Frostwolf is shaken by this shocking insult to his name! He makes the following post in the leaving thread:

I can take it when people insult my games. But when they insult my name, they’re insulting me.

Hit! Frostwolf has left the forum! He was:


Town Roboticist

Build Robot (Day): Build a chosen robot during the day. You must build each robot once before building any robot again.
Your choices are Infinite Recharge, Destination: Deep Space, and Power Up (Infinite uses)

Drive Robot (Night): Drive the robot you have created. This will have a different effect depending on which robot you drive (Infinite uses)

Infinite Recharge: Tomorrow night, target player will be able to use their action twice, while only consuming a single use if they use a limited use ability. Fails if used on a moderator candidate. You will be seen as performing the second ability.
Destination: Deep Space: Redirect your first target to your second target.
Power Up: All actions by members of the town on target player will silently fail tonight.


I’m back and everything is wrong

Is it time for re eval, i think so