[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

well, im obviously going to say dont shoot me but that’d actually be really bad if you did so

gorta, crich, and kyo all said it

i’m pretty sure gorta at least is legit seeing as he is a flipped mechanics oracle

shoot mist for christ’s sake he literally claimed to bodyguard me night 1 and doesn’t realize the problem with that

Factions don’t matter anymore.

honestly? ici/simon/tech/sulit/leafia

also dont even remember sulit doing anything unless im just as blind as eevee LOL

it seemed to rise out of nowhere to me, and that seems suspicious usually.

what the fuck do you think im doing? because i am doing that. this is how im doing that. it is not normal in any way no. but it is how im doing this. and its hard for me to be open to changing it at all when people are this hostile about my needing to do so. that may sound weird, but think. when you make a point, and someone suddenly screams at you that your wrong, and that you need to think differently, what is your initial response? is it to think, hm, perhaps they’re right, and i should reconsider this, or is it to think ah! someones screaming at me! im not wrong your wrong!, and double down in your head.
in almost everyone its the latter. and this is nothing against them. its human nature.

/insult Mist
“Should have stayed dead!”

@Arete @eevee

I think Kyo got the message from Gorta considering that both slots are side-by-side.

We’re not shooting a green checked person when better targets exist. For all we know, the GF could already be dead.

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I was pushing it like all of day 2 lol. I saw it was tr by a few I disagreed and by time poe was smaller people agreed

oh i keep forgetting sulit no longer has the perry pfp lmfao

but yeah, went thru their recent posts, dont like

I feel like he would have mention that in banned chat

You’re doing jack shit.

The only thing you’ve done all fucking game is speculate on mechanics.

Who the fuck are the wolves? Sulit? Maxi? Mist? Tech? Do we have a deepwolf?

this is not to say im not open to the idea of changing. its just that its hard to set down what ive said when someone is so vehemently disagreeing with my basis.

Why we need explanations

The message was anonymous, I think?

i dont know.
but i intend to find out
and how, you may ask, do i intend on finding out.

by asking questions
seeing their answers. using these answers and the way they are presented to come to my own findins

He didn’t mention getting any type of message

I assumed he got it considering he knew about the GF and gorta’s flip in mind.