[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

it really isnt.

it necessarily isnt
because it is how im trying to find wolves. like really. they serve the dual purpose of helping keep me informed of stuff that i missed (from portions i read through, not just the stuff i missed. because even when i do read through the backlog i miss a good few things usually).

i am actively doing what i am doing in order to find wolves.

yeah but godfather

im trying to make some reads here and admittedly, if anyone else had done that then that’d be scummy af

Is it not plurality

…there’s no maj.

i think alice claimed it

Oh really?

It shld be

I’m saying that Sulit is in my PoE for now.

hey someone with the same sentiment as me but now that makes me doubt my read cause my reads are usually wack

There’s only polarity. No majority.

Also the TL shot wasn’t me, I used my extra ita thing yesterday

My green was on Ici.

App’s green was on Leafia.

Read the thread.

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On who?


so you’re saying you don’t think he’s scum but he’s in your poe anyway


Uhh I forget now lemme look

Someone claim TL shot lmao

you know what
fuck being a half-presence
i’m going all-in tommorrow

Its literally town indicative if ur in poe claim it lol

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Do it now