[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!



xd im cringe

this game has been riddled with subpar villagers who are just barely trying and i’m sick of being one

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At least you’re actually reading the thread.


ici why not go all-in today


I kinda want the Ici wagon back tbh
This feels fake


lol promises to do this tomorrow why not do it now

sounds like a way to keep yourself out of poe for a couple of days to me tbh

Only because he might be scum.

Yeah it’s fake as duxk

I’m telling u guys it was SvS yesterday wagons eod

I used the check on him so he’d regain his WiM if he’s V or just yeet him away if he’s a wolf.

Results from the green has been disappointing.

i already did, dumbass

because i have a roaring headache, i’m angry as fuck, and because it’s fucking 7pm
i meant tommorow irl obviously


so do u think he’s scum or not

you better fucking actually improve your posting tommorow or I will hold you to your word and vote you

i’m not going to subject you to angry Ici’s shitty reads

doesnt day end tonight

could you please just fucking lay off me for one god damned second

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but if you try one more dang “i’ll try later” thing there will not be a later

please subject me to this

…no, i’m not a masochist

i’d just rather see it now rather than later