[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Are you trying to make me want to change my title?


You won’t pocket me with jokes Ici

You’re like actually at L-9

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Btw I’m a negative utility role.

So you rolled yourself?




Words hurt light. Think before you type. My heart is in pieces and your jibe is the cause.

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Do you think Leafia’s progression on Marshal makes sense from a town PoV? I don’t really care about the moleland thing

The way you’ve been acting and the fact that you voted me for no reason. I just can’t see you being a villager any more. It’s like you’re just sheeping Ami and the others. Not sure what’s up with Hippo any more. I guess it’s possible he could be v.

This was actually so funny

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I would say I apologize, but you’re communist scum and that burn will be the only thing keeping you warm through the nuclear winter

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I shall now leave thread for some time in order to recover from lights destruction.

im starting to get confused who’s who ;-;

Do you think from an outsider’s PoV, my concerns are valid between you and Moleland?

Why do you think he’s sheeping?

He’s actually trying to solve things out and figure them out as well. Just like in Insurgency.

Hi Solic !


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