[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

PKR’s dead i need someone else to meme.

yeah well your meme game is suffering

Agreed. We need Mist’s flip and we need it now.

refreshing actually says mine was written first but its forum lag, Im just annoyed

your scum game is suffering.

come on, just commenting on every action I make in an exxagerated way by calling it a common wolf action? you’re better than that hippo. where are the classical references to greek mythology i expect when you’re clowning on someone?

it’s true that you’ve never done that so i’ve been expecting it for a long time but

your mom is suffering. go to her.

Icibalus please pay attention to the game, there is no need for such vile insults or to bring people’s family into this. I am deeply ashamed and disenheartened by your words.

there we are
go ahead call me a wolf just keep the quality up

eh EOD is at like 8am est I think. Think im just going to be early tonight and just waking up like 30 mins prior

not doing the 430 am chug that was last time, that just led to a cfd

We got a wolf and I then got a greencheck on Ici, so eh.

Still something feels off here.

Way too many clears so far and even if our entire PoE flips W then that’s literally just six wolves unless a wolf got banned.

This feels exactly like the end of fucking Insurgency lol, I can feel my impending loss approaching.

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It taunts me.

Maybe I’ll just yeet Leafia so they don’t meme me twice in a row.

ok hi I got sidetracked a lot what’s happening

I’m getting that same feeling Alice and Hippo. We’re missing something big I think.

Ur number 1 shot atm, i think we have one more ita for the day

Insurgency was a loss because of mechanical bullshit as every damn group wolf except Seth claimed self-resolving and the entire town eat it up.

Here, the only mech bullshit we have is Ici.