[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Solic’s literally cockblocking every push on Simon because N did even if N is a serial busser. I want to push Simon because he’s just a waste of space and his ISO is pretty much trying to look productive but actually doing nothing.

based on what?

lemme go ISO simon

mist do you know who died n1

N pushed on him*

while I disagree with Frost whole heartedly, I feel like simon should have dropped back in poe earlier. Ici is only living atm cause a doctor claim that saved his butt at eod2 and cfd’ed back onto cw of Italy. And now a greencheck, that imo i have heavy doubts on

Based on the fact that he keeps clogging the thread with questions and refuses to read up on what has been going on.

frost posted in an FM game the dude was clearly villa

/insult Icibalus

The last MTG brawl game we played when I was Marwyn, and you were Jodah, I had endraze forerunner in hand and could have played it for the win but I felt bad so I discarded it with my fauna shaman for a beast whisperer to make game go on longer for fun. Next turn you played omniscience and boardwiped and proceded to dominate the game. But I could have won that turn, I just felt bad I kept winning all the games (and no one likes a tryharder at Brawl lol) so I punted it which resulted in you winning. Your win means nothing.

The biggest insult of them all. The truth.

@arete @eevee @Firekitten


Honestly I couldnt tell u his meta, people say that. But like if thats what it takes to townread him im dissapointed even more

Frost made no sense it is sad but he kinda had to die

I’d rather Simon die first tho lol

than Ici?


Why is Solic town again?

oh ok, i was about to say whyd u shoot ici then

Good content when here, and N interactions

yes but if you want to I can pretend I don’t

Mutual push on N. Level of heatedness kind of implies that it doesn’t look to be distancing.

Frost is already dead.