[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I didn’t want to sheep you.

Like I’ve been knowing you were Chloe since you CC’d Napoleon.

If I were a wolf then I’d literally just yeet you.

Look at the kills. Marshal/Ami/CRich. The wolves have been PR hunting this entire time and doing it in an extremely ineffective manner.

There won’t be any more insult sessions.

I’ll trust you for now at least.

to be fair I basically hard-softed chloe

Leafia was pretty much more obvious regarding her CC, which is why I’ve been defending her the entire game.

I had to out her because people here have no idea how to make associative reads outside of scum defend scum, caught scum, and shit like this.

this was like 1/3 fake-softing of chloe

Leafia was more blatant with her push.

I was screaming wolf the entire time honestly.

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Marshal kind of softed by trying to spread doubt but you were clearling CC-ing him.

I will admit that I legitimately considered hard CCing that I was Chloe to get Nappy killed but I figured that would just get me killed in the process.

That was what Nap was trying to do. The wolves here are dumb and had no idea how to read for PRs.

I was legit considering fake CC-ing him but on like the 5% chance I was wrong I didn’t want to basically fake a redcheck on the most important town PR that like exists

Which is why I wasn’t PR-reading you. You showed hesitation and that’s more like “I hope I don’t fuck up and CC the actual PR” and less “I hope I don’t out myself as actual PR.”


Tbh Geyde doesn’t look as good as I thought considering that he had no idea Leafia was Chloe.

…to be honest I didn’t really fully chloe-read leafia and honestly idk if I still do

I’m a bit surprised that scum didn’t try killing me N1 honestly. Also, if anyone CCs me being Chloe, make sure you’re from the Blue faction first so wolves will have to guess who the real Chloe is. I’m kind of hoping there is a Chloe CC for that very reason.

People here usually suck at hiding themselves as PR and just claim for no reason at all, so most people here have no PR hunting experience.

I’m better at pr reading as scum than town due to perspective
being uninformed does wonders for ruining my ability to read into things

i CC you as chloe