[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I’d like to congratulate everyone on making final 13.

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Low key this final 13 is p stacked

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And well all be making final 12 apart from Simon ofc, unless he provides any content that is

wait no, assuming theres about 5 mafia left, which is based on my estimation of total mafia from that first mafia flip, and assuming N1 is mafia, then if theres 2 kills tonight we’d be a mylo

the one that was supposed to build in power as more mafia members died

so most likely, we’re at lylo tomorrow

The more you do this, the more I think you could be scum. Stop it now. It’s getting annoying.

5v25 is just not balanced

especially looking at the flips so far

I think 6v24 is more likely and even that’s kind of a stretch

no not 5 total or 5 starting
5 right now

Scum get annoyed quicker, it’s a fact look it up. What does this say about your alignment :eyes::eyes::thinking:

i dont know whether this is true, and im not going to look it up.
im throwing out any reads based off this, personally, out of principle.

No they don’t. Scum get annoyed less quickly while scum tend to be the annoying ones. You’re not helping us solve anything by doing this.

I’d say we have anywhere from 3-5 scum still alive myself.

Scum welcome stuff like what Hippo is doing because it helps them win.

tbh I am afraid like 1/2 of the bots that are in-game are wolf-controlled and so that’s like +3 votes 4 scum

I know that Pencil Sharpner is Dat’s and could only vote d1, Toaster was mine and was deactivated when the elections began.

Arete/Sentence/Ikoria/Annoying look to be unknown, though they don’t seem to be able to vote.

Other sentence was openwolfing d2 and was shot down, so yeah.

I think all bot owners should claim rn so we have a better idea who’s who here now that ITAs are done.

I luv ya eevee

Do I have to

If they can’t vote or don’t have any more uses, I think it’s fine to claim them.

I own Arete, ikoria, the one sentence that shot the other, and sharpener. I shot at Frostwolf today with mine and shot at the one sentence that shot u yesterday. I know u yelled to stop but it was like after I submitted them. Annoying is most likely owned by the same person who had the other sentence that shot as they been coming at consistent times as me processing mine