[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Okay, I’m scrapping this idea, because it apparently only has slight bastard elements whereas Illuminati is like the most bastard you can get probably.

It’s sad that this game was semi-flipless, because I wanted to see everyone’s flavor as well.

This topic was automatically closed after 17 hours. New replies are no longer allowed.

Final EoD3 Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Mist1422 MaximusPrime, Icibalus 2
Simon Leafia, Alice, Hippoyeetus, Marshal, DatBird, Geyde, Apprentice, Solic 9

After the merger between the User Union and the Judge Alliance, the climate of the forum seemed at first to have greatly lightened. Rather than filling threads with thinly-veiled insults, the forum seemed to have returned to its former state of memes and camaraderie. Yet as most of the forum rejoiced, one member of the forum was less certain that this change was for the better.

On the New Mod Team posted in #class/lore/fanfic

June 11, 2020

Look, I know I’m supposed to be happy that we aren’t insulting each other any longer, but is this really what we wanted? I can’t forgive the Judge Alliance this easily, not after they bullied several of my friends off the forum. I know that we’re supposed to be working together now, but I’m not sure if I can do that.

This thread has 10,924 replies.

Last reply: 1m.

why is this in class/lore/fanfic. @mods please move this.

i cant believe your against this change. only someone working for tewptmtf would be against this!!

That’s literally Dybu-tier logic

Can we try to keep this thread on topic? I get that you all are excited about your weird square game having cats now, but that’s what the last 2,000 posts have been about. We have the cookie thread for a reason, guys.

how the fuck does this have more than 10k replies, now we’re not going to be able to see people’s PFPs at the bottom of the OP.

if you’re SERIOUSLY against this change then you can leave. it’s not like the new mod is going to get demoted…

Although everyone had ostensibly agreed to work together, many members of the forum looked upon
Simon with resentment for what they saw as an attempt to restart an old conflict. Things came to a head in a game of Skribbl.io. Even though he was playing perfectly within the confines of the rules – even going so far as to refrain from using writing in their pictures – whenever his turn came up, the other players would vote to kick him.

Eventually, he gave up. He decided that if the rest of the forum members were going to treat him like this, then he might as well leave.

Simon has left the forum! He was:



Town adorable “This votecount is scummy”

Bounce (Passive) - Since you are so adorable, no one wants to insult you. ITAs targeting you will have their chance to hit reduced by 10 percent.

Write wallpost (Night) - Target a player. They will be immune to occupation and redirection tonight (usable only on odd nights)

Vote Count Analysis (Night): Target a player. Learn whether they have any abilities that affect voting (usable only on even nights)

Night 3 begins and will end in 12 hours.


[insert ‘this is just flavor’ disclaimer]

Due to ongoing forum maintenance, the night has been skipped, nullifying all night actions.

Any uses of limited-use abilities that were used during the night are still consumed, due to everyone spending hours reloading the forum in the hopes that it actually updated.

As no one can access the forums while they are updating, this means that no one was banned overnight.

New topic in #general: FAQ about forum update
Posted June 11, 2020

This topic is pinned.

Q. Why did the forum update?
A. We have to periodically update the forums to keep up with the latest version of Discourse, so that we aren’t using a deprecated version.

Q. Are Arete and eevee just fucking with us?
A. Arete and eevee do not determine the forum update schedule.

Q. This update broke [insert forum feature], how do I fix it?
A. Let us know what broke and we’ll report it to Discourse.

Q. Will this update fix the forum reloading bug?
A. Unfortunately, no. That bug appears to be caused by overload to our servers.

Q. This update sucks.
A. That’s not a question.

Feel free to come to us if you have additional questions.

This topic is locked.

Day 4 begins and will end in 36 hours.



can you two back me up now

so nobody died

what do u need

derped on the hippo ping

did anything in dead chat apply to any of the alive players

like are there mediums and shit?


if there are any sure, announce it
I thought you said things to the opposite

I’m mainly asking about banned chat player claims

Something has happened

you want me to give all banned claims?

because I think I have the solve



I was unsure if any of the slots were impacted by mechanics

Another NPC has been summoned

Its name is: RTing your greencheck by claiming a redcheck on them

basically a lot of people have claimed “info” without actually claiming info