[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Im back gonna be writing my paper still, I see we have two trains of thought atm, im fine with either. I think its obvious if I could pick one which Im picking

did you

I say oB

Wait, do they need to be banned or not?

i do have a passive that could be potentially useful but eevee actually needs to get online to clarify so

No it isn’t and I don’t know why you lied about the gift you received. You are acting on TMI about what caused the cancelation of the night actions.


not saying but eevee has to come on to clarify some things abt the gift too sooo

Would rather CRich and Geyde to revive ob tbh. I’d like Maxi to revive the player with highest V equity being that he’s in the PoE and I don’t want to risk a wolf reviving a wolf.

…that’s not TMI.

Even if I could revive any more I would revive sulit
I’m out of shots

yes that is tinfol

you are claiming that

  1. i claimed that i have a revive
  2. i purposely skipped the night so i could explain why i didnt revive

why would i do #1 if i can’t revive as scum? LMAO

see this is exactly the type of shitty posts that make me scumread you

Any limited use abilities used last night were still consumed.

You’d do 1 because you can do 2. Why else would you skip the night? Otherwise, why would you be so certain the ability came from scum?

that’s assuming i used my gift

and i can hard claim that i did not due to being unable to

i still have a charge of it but i need eevee to clarify some things since arete says that they dont know and r asking eevee too

Leafia didnt u win something in the auction?

it was a like-cop iirc

Why wouldn’t you try using it last night though?

why in the everloving fuck would i claim i can do 1 if i can do 2???

literally what fucking purpose does it serve

and dont say “lol towncred” cause that’s fucking bullshit

Yeah but it was pretty useless. Far less useful than I thought it would be.