[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

There’s been a lot of people claiming Chloe so far and I don’t see anyone trying to lynch them.

The infinitely better play in that situation is to either bus or let the slot die. Never save the slot.

Yes, see, the difference is that these aren’t Chloe claims that also claimed to be ICs.

That’s not true at all. It’s always best to try saving the slot.

No. It isn’t. Because I’d have shot into that mason pair. Lots of villagers would have shot into the pair. Now there are two wolves dead instead of one.

You got away with it in Insurgency because there were several other fishy pairs knocking about, and yours happened to be more villagery than oBl1ght and SDA, because SDA was actively trying to be wolfy to stop you from killing him

It’s exactly because if what happened in Insurgency that I think he’d try it and even before that, App was looking villagery.

He wasn’t. He was looking exactly the same as in Insurgency. His slot has done nothing impressive beyond killing Bus Target Number One.

It is. Only w!you wouldn’t see it. You’re trying to get a member of the towncore mislynched.

You’re now going all-in on the Mason fakeclaim rather than him just letting Nappy die… for some reason.

why the fuck would I do that when there’s a bunch of fine options available already

Exactly. That ploy worked in Insurgency so he had absolutely no reason to think it wouldn’t work again.

Because you’re a wolf.

i may have a slight case of FPS but I wouldn’t squander a perfect opportunity to swamp the village in KP and win just so I could go “nur nur ne nur nur I lynched a village core” postgame. Apprentice is not clear, and he’s not a villager, and he’s going down.

I’m not claiming masons with App. I just read him as locktown due to his plays.

no it fucking wouldn’t work again
because as i mentioned, the circumstances were completely fucking different there

You and Apprentice got away with it because there were wolfier mason pairs, not because of the mason gambit working.

Nope. App is clearly v and you’re clearly wolf and going down.

think for a moment dammit
why would I go all in on lynching in village core
when there’s obviously a fucking PoE villager I could lynch

we’re obviously in MyLo, and villagers are obviously losing
i literally would never make these plays as wolf because they’re so -EV even I wouldn’t make them