[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

fair enough I suppose

why is that weird? go into depth

That doesn’t automatically make it impossible for them to be lying. Just extremely unlikely. I just don’t want to misclear anyone. I only put them in my towncore if I think it’s completely impossible for them to be scum and both Hippo and Marshal are only slight townread for me right now. Hippo was acting really scummy early game and so was Marshal at some points. I still think both are v though but it’s not impossible for them to be scum with Geyde. At this point, I’m willing to trust all three for now at least.

it’s not a logical conclusion and seems like it’s just setting up to do busywork for the sake of it

Believe it or not, I am an expert at faking busywork as wolf

He’s been literally pushing a mechanically impossible wolfteam that includes a mech-cleared player in every one of his teams.

Alice again I didnt ask you. I asked Mist I would kinda like to solve his slot and not let ur opinions influence his own

I’m literally basing my statement on the words of the host. Can you please stop being an absolute terror to play with


So you think hes just buying time, if your the expert did you have that feeling with anyone else. Like Ici for instance, why does his not feel like fake busywork to you?

Like regardless of your alignment, I don’t appreciate your language.

According to Sulit’s desperado I can’t fucking be a godfather.

You’re literally pushing one of the most mech-cleared players besides Geyde and Marshal just because I was wrong on a few villagers who played like complete ass this match.

Hmmm, if I had to say and if there are five living scum, my guess is Maxi/Techwolves/Mist/I have no idea/I have no idea. The last two could possibly be Ici and someone in the towncore.

According to standard desperado rules yes your right. I dont know if geyde went into it on wether it was normal or not, but since he didnt and I think said it was stupid. Your probably good. Its just hey again everyone does em differently and it seemed very based on the wording based on how I got my responses.

And if u had a gun to your head and said pick those last two spots, whats ur gut say

it is just game
why you heff to be mad

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Ici pushing apprentice and genuinely getting upset over it feels really weird from a wolf perspective

I loved when he played for the Flyers, such a meme

Taking Solic out of my towncore on second thought. If I had to guess, I’d say Solic and Ici.

I had forgotten that Solic was pushing Alice as well.

Ok and how about his other pushes, do you think they seemed like busywork. If you could I would love a run through of his whole iso from you

Solic had vote end on scum for both d1 and d2
I think solic would be more agenda-y as scum tbh

maybe wrong on it but I rather wouldn’t lynch it today