[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Hard-veto’ing this shot.

Sup, reading the past let me read the past 500 posts or so,

ive been trying to keep up with this game best as i could.

then who would you recommend instead of the person who you’re only towncore-ing cause “lol greencheck” and i really haven’t liked their actions

most of the past 500 posts is ici/leafia arguing lol

would recommend to read more than that if you have the wim

TL;DR - Geyde/Marshal/I are mech-cleared.
Leafia and your slot are green checked but one of you has a chance of being a GF.
Dat/App/Hippo are likely V from reads alone.
Immediate PoE is Solic/Maxi/Tech/Mist.

I’m towncoring them for other reasons.

I’d rather shoot Mist as he’s literally not even bothering to play.

Okay, i do know that,

just been very busy past couple of hours with chores and school stuff

Gonna do some reading.

fair, but then who would we lynch?

assume both scenarios that could happen

also, why didn’t we lynch mist yesterday again

I feel kind of bad now about how we treated Ici. If you’re reading this Ici, I’m sorry.


We didn’t lynch Mist because Simon.

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oh right

i wasn’t there for that but why simon over the person who supposedly did that fucking impossible action n1

like a long time ago in a fol i did i think we just didn’t kill the “lol obv cultist” that was outed d2 so the prince could or some shit and we just… never ended up killing them and cult won? like srsly why

Just like I would have hard defended N and Italy here. Oh wait. :upside_down_face:

It’s hella disheartening (and you can easily say it’s because my scumteam is imploding hahah of course that also makes sense) that none of you Geyde/Marshal, specifically calling you out, would reevaluate it a little bit.

We have such a tight, right PoE. It’s just that we see town, after town, after town flip, but nooooo we are completely on the right track. We haven’t done anything wrong. Now it’s just the slightly exact same tighter PoE. I actually was looking forward to today and hopefully see Alice flip, I’d love to be wrong here. I hope I will be proven wrong tomorrow hopefully, because at this rate, I’m not going to make it happen. I don’t think I can fend off being mislynched here. I’m already prioritizing this game soo much more in an unhealthy fashion than I used to. I’m literally typing this now, while my bf is glaring from the bed while I asked for 5 minutes to go be addicted to this game. Another game, another wake up call, I’ll quit again for at least a time after this for sure, but I will still continue. I am not going to be mislynched. It’s not going to be today, I can sense that so far, but PLEASE for the love of god, open your eyes to the possibilities that I’m putting out and include me in the argumentation. I can’t defend against off-hand, “yeah, it’s probably this team with Solic in it”. Read me on my posts/my pushes/my meta whatever, but give me a read at least.

Now sleep. I gave it what I had. I hope you’ll do the same AND ASK THE FUCKING HOSTS WHAT THEY MEAN WITH DESPERADO/GF interactions. I bet that none of you even bothered to fucking ask. If you take that away and not rely on the mechanic, do you still townread Alice. Tell me, I want to fucking know why.

I’ll be here before EoD, but not sure in what capacity ,depends on how long bf wants to hang, bye now.

I went after Italy and N HARD. I have that going for me.

How many times do I fucking have to say this? Desperados literally work by either killing a wolf or killing the user and turning the player that was shot into an IC. I’m never a fucking wolf this match.

That’s true, which is why I’m always lynching Maxi/Ici/Mist before you.

We are not going to fucking kill a player that was literally mech-cleared with a desperado shot. You’re fucking retarded.

I already see that
Does it look like I’m happy dealing with this current poe

alice say what you want but that word is kind of offensive and i’d rather you not


Do I look like I fucking give a shit about that? I’m being death tunneling by two braindead idiots despite the fact that I am literally mech-clear beyond all forms of doubt.

If I had to call a single person as scum that’s not in the poe, it would be app