[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

hey again it was mainly cause of not paying to much attention @Alice

yeah i’m happy w/ maxi yeet

glgl nerds hope we don’t lose the mafoa gaem

Yeah, sorry. I’m just PO’d at this game in general.

lmao obv wolf in “town” core and y’all are too dumb and blind to see it

also mist be like: gets caught claiming impossible action n1
also mist: never gets lynched cause town is dumb and ppl r being led by wolves

gg we lose cause obv wolf is never lynched OMEGALUL

welp, im off to bed

gn and i cant wait to see your reactions when you realize you MLed… again :slight_smile:

wait what was his impossible n1?

I was referring to you flipping due to nightkill hopefully.

No read Napoleon’s flip again.


Oh look, it’s us two again alone at EoD unable to change anything because the phase lengths + timezones/timing of this game absolutely suck as a combination.

It’s partly my fault too for like having stuff to do sometimes, but yeah what can you do.

I’ll try to be a bit more lighthearted again in spirit of what I actually want to be like as an FM player, but you’re making it mighty difficult.

Its prolly alice but whatever

I’m trying to wrap my head around on how bad this post is.

I don’t like a buzzword handle on my slot. Bring specifics/receipts how my tone is different and if it’s the same as a scum game, I’ll be waiting.

Hi wishful thinking. It’s not something we should plan for.

Fuck off, I’m literally mech cleared you retard.

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If that’s how it would work I missed the host announcement saying you’re of town alignment. There are versions of Desperado’s, where they would suicide upon hitting a godfather, so I’m going to operate under the assumption that that shot does not clear you. It looks better for you, but it doesn’t clear you.

There are also tons of other mechanical possibilities why it wouldn’t have worked, like day occupation, reflexive redirection, day doctor (hi Ici claim). Now those are relatively reachy, so I’m not addressing those, but a gf was confirmed by a mechanics oracle to exist.

I also gave several other reasons that you’re likely scum that you’re just misrepresenting with a “Lul I pushed a villager once, so I must be scum”

If Sulit was day occ’d then she wouldn’t die, same if I were day doc’d as a wolf and Sulit used the desperado on me. Also she never claimed the desperado except to Geyde, so I’d have no time to redirect her.

I mainly voted Alice today at daystart to see more reactions and I can definitely see a world where Alice is now the deepwolf designed to endgame. Ironic after powerwolving all other prior days. There wasn’t hardly much push for it except from Hippo and Ici (but Ici didn’t even vote her at all).

I feel like most of you are just afraid to get yelled at by her to be honest, because it most definitely sours the mood. Yeah, can’t help with that, but I’m not going to be ad hominemed down.

That’s fair enough. I’ll concede those points except reflexive redirection. :man_shrugging: which is still reachy, what I already mentioned.

How the fuck do you not expect me to yell at someone for makig such a braindead play like pushing a literally mech-cleared player?