[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!



your not looking good.


arent those bots owned by Dat?

Why not?

Alice also claims some I think.


feels very opportunistic to me tbh.

Who else should I have shot then?

Gonna cheeck who claimed either one on those bots, cause whoever said its theres

may have just outted themselves tbh.

I mean



Ehh, i wasnt a bad shot tbh

still in the PoE

and we are lynching Maxi and trying to prove if Mist is telling the truth and Lolselfresolving

Maxi is going to be the execution. I was doubting between you and Mist, but there has been more CFD pressure unto Mist thus far.

I could potentially kill Maxi here now and then have you and Alice dictate the remaining votes while towncore is asleep. I say no thanks to that.

What were your night actions again Blizer? :upside_down_face:

I feel dirty asking it actually, but I just want to win so bad god.

Okay, no one claimed either bot they shot, so we know they are Maf bots.

was looking to see if someone fucked up by claiming one of them.


depends how badly you want me to out my claim tbh

idk if Ici hardclaimed at all or not.

Ici claimed day doctor already.

So it shouldn’t be an issue for you to say who you targeted at night.

Oh ok cool

He Targeted Geyde on night, and you the next.

I cant heal someone the two nights in a row, has to be someone diff every night