[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Thanks for not doing that



well y’all aren’t gonna be bitches and kill me anyways right?

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If they kill you, they literally lose as it’ll be a 4v6.

are you gonna send game to rand :eyes:


obviously we’re not gonna kill you as that’s gamethrowing

Don’t do this Marshal.

unless you hardclaimed siding Alice and just repeatedly shit on us in thread today to be rude or something really extreme like that

Nah. As I said before.

You need both Marshal AND Tech’s backing in order to ensure a rand here.

that conscious decision is one that also leads to me making a choice about who can win and who can’t

i’ll probably use discobot in my classcard becuase I think both factions played exceptionally well

correct. we needed Marshal and Tech’s backing to win today as well

it would’ve been a good meme to claim masons with Leafia again. We actually discussed it lmao

Or don’t Kingmake and don’t vote.

but not doing that is kingmaking as i’m still making a choice to not give 1 faction a chance

please alice you are stressing me out stop with this argument it’s not going to make me more inclined to help you

I just asked why the second auction got canceled when you did that.

Alice how did you get those items? Were they just abilities. Cuz I legit bid in 2nd auction

Yep, I got from the event.

Nah dude don’t be stressed. Kingmaking fucking sucks, but that’s not your fault. I hope that neither side will blame you regardless

He’s going to vote you. Right Marshal? Cats are one of my favorite animals.

I bid on pentavote and didn’t get anything :frowning: