[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Are you seriously going to be bullied by Alice? The only way her scenario has her woinning 100% is if the game ends if one of us get lynched. If it doesn’t, she can’t be BP or it’s just a one shot.

I can say with certainty alice does not have a 100% chance of winning if a wolf dies today

Right, Third Party NPC commander.

Wincon is to yeet both the Mafia and the Town.

Passive is ITA and night immunity.

Day action is to summon an NPC that can ITA and vote.

That’s effectively all I have.

It’s not bullying, it’s just negotiations.

if y’all wanted me to yeet a wolf

out of y’all 3

who would it be


if marshal votes you there’s no reason to follow through with your threat other than spite

Your choice. Just lock in one of them and I won’t vote against you.

Correct. Her chances of winning are 0% based on what she herself said. In fact, if you still side with her after she bullied you like that, I’ll lose all respect for you.

Just the fact that she’s saying that means she’s scared. Lock your vote on Alice.

I feel like I’ve gone from playing mafia to playing survivor

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And have a 50-50 chance of losing while voting with me has a 100%.

…thats also basically trying to convince me

please y’all it’s just a game it’s a tough choice but I don’t want to hurt feelings D:

Alice has no reason to follow through on her threat when it jeopardizes her win

If she had a 100% chance of winning if a woldf was voted, then she’d say the game ends today if a wolf was lynched.

Don’t mind their feelings, as I said before I realistically am the only one who can kill you and get away with it.

You do not want to be against me.

@Mistyx @Leafia @Apprentice

if y’all got to choose who died here out of you 3

who would it be

actually good idea

please answer honestly

survivor trivia to decide because I know stuff about it

No, if Marshal dies in the rand then it’ll be 5v4 tomorrow and I’ll win guaranteed.