[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

i was 100% right when i subbed out
and i still had an emotional breakdown even when i tried to leave for mental health


how could you betray me like this

I had no conceivable way of winning

i tried ok?

I didn’t want to kingmake but I saw more of a chance of me winning if I voted mist.

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Ici does deserve an apology of sorts

those were not pretty posts in the Classcard.

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At least I called the town thing at the end


was extremely fun playing eevee games both host and player, hope to see you around!


you had no chance
you were against someone who gained a vote every day and 3 scum

take care of yourself IRL man

i know you do a lot, probably a lot more than i even know behind the scenes

the forum won’t be the same without you


gz @Chloe and @DatBird!!!

this game looked really cool, i wish i had the mental capacity to actually play it

@eevee @Arete can we see all of the classcards? it’d be a shame to see some never resurface given a lot of the ones i’ve seen have been fun


literally 100% right about the game
I never cleared Alice 100%, Apprentice and Leafia were wolves, and Mist was obvious.
so uh
i may lose most of the credit for subbing out
but do I at least get some of it for being more right than everyone else


Town still coudl have won if everyone yeeted a bot

But Leafia locked her vote on alice

so ya.

I apologize my dude, my read on you was wrong. Sorry for any stress I gave ya

also @Alice

Well deserved fucking win tbh

played that so well.


I think Alice deserves this win to be honest. She played wonderfully and Eevee, I’m glad that I got to play in the last game you modded. It was a truly wonderful experience. In my mind, you’re the real winner here.


that was what my vote came down to. Who I thought I had the best chance of winning with

if alice died, it’s 3v2 maf vs. town. Mafia wins.

if mafia died, alice might get screwed in some way or maybe she was somehow FPSing

can you reveal everything that wasn’t put into play
i really want to see who tewptmtf is

Yep! It’s going to take me a bit to gather them all in one place, but it should be doable

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i fucking knew she was a wolf
i just didn’t have the skill to articulate it

I’m p sure I owe an apology to most people here.

While I usually AtE as a wolf I felt that I went overboard here with that shit.



This is one of our roles that died in event :upside_down_face:



We will miss you

hope you can drop in every now and again to talk.