[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Brain: congrats Dat and chleb!!!
Also Brain: wait isn’t chloe already a mod


the auction. What the hell happened


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Why last hour ITAs?

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Why was there an event that could literally only kill mist :ethiopia:


how did I get an ethiopia flag instead of thinking


Also, I think that at this point you could meme the fact I replace out when I rand wolf, but that really wasn’t the reason here, I promise. I was actually excited to play, but circumstances and the delay forced me to replace out at the start of the game. I simply wouldn’t have been able to keep up.

The main takeaway is that I don’t think town cooperated very well. After N killed so many people in the event, all chances of cohesion were lost. There was no towncore, and the only cleared people were those who got nightkilled. They didn’t even work together at times.

I believe that the next step toward a better town at mashes is to actively try and build a towncore of consensus townreads. There has to be a group of people who are trusted, otherwise everyone will do whatever they want anyway, because nobody can agree upon any reads.

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also hi @Vulgard
thoughts on my play in your slot?

ToL judge.

ToL judge had mod powers to work on hidden channels with reports which also are kept somewhere on this forum.


Mod mysteries.

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(specifically, to give people one last shot to shoot bots)



Solic especially received so many unjustified insults, I was really annoyed behind the screen.

Slanking? Not doing anything? Really?


I realllllllllllly wanted that pentavote from auction

i can only view them :pepehands:

I was glad you actually did things. You did manage to get many villagers killed. Too bad it came at the cost of sacrificing wolf KP.

Yes, congratulations DatBird and Chloe.


i want to see the stuff that wasn’t ingame
like datmod and xblade

Noooooo, kat!!!

And of course, GGWP to Alice. Sulit did mention that she could still be 3p, but she pulled through anyway and leveraged her accomplishments quite well.

Again, both Solic and Ici were suspicious of her, and Solic especially kept up the pressure despite her attempts to discredit him. Which is why I’m really annoyed about the pushback he received.


@hosts can I know what my evolved role would have been

the fourth person: :eyes:

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