[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

No one noticed but I survived
Also I’m gonna say B

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I choose B

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Aggressive arguing flooded the thread and created a toxic environment where villaging was needlessly difficult.

The wolves doing wolf things and using overly aggressive language and agenda/distance their way through the thread did not help.

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lol true like 5k posts on the first day not even 24 hours after marshal posted his “stop hyperposting as town” rant did not help at all

One tip that should be taken into consideration is that “they should be better than this” is a perfectly valid read on stronger players, and even on some weaker players. Like Alice. Alice should absolutely have been less of a thread bully. If you pushed her on that basis, it would be a correct push.

Not that I suddenly expect everyone to be expert Alice readers or something, but pushing someone for that reason is perfectly viable and not a fallacy. Stronger wolves know what they are doing when they flood the thread and cause insults to be flung around.

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It does not apply to players who don’t know better, but when a player should know better and still acts in an unpleasant way, they are far more likely to be nontown.

pretty sure alice has been like this as town like a yr ago tho where pretty much most of their reads were wrong or smth

not too sure since it was a while ago but it was a vanilla game where alice didn’t do so hot as town i think (maybe a mountainous)

I know it applies to me, and I know it applies to many other players who do things as scum. Just keep that in mind.

Also, don’t be afraid of pushing people. You have nothing to lose by pushing someone, other than potentially being wrong. The fact they yell at you does not automatically make them town.

Look at the holistic picture. Players of all alignments can and will yell at you when they are pushed. It is not alignment indicative. The idea is to scare and bully you away from voting/pushing them. Don’t let them win like this.

town player: makes a single mistake
mr deathtunneling me:

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Alice didn’t actually have solid arguments that would explain why she was wrong, or why she did certain things. She just faked anger over being criticized for bad play. That’s not a rebuttal. That’s just an attempt to discredit her pushers through indignation.

Alice did play well, but there were signs – which went mostly ignored because people were too hesitant to push her. Everyone is on an equal footing in a game of Mafia. Everyone should be pushable. If they are town, they should be able to post themselves out of it. Not through attacking their attackers, but by doing other things.

I’m talking in general terms, and situational stuff applies, but the baseline is that to achieve a strong village, that village must not be afraid of voting and pushing people to yeet.

honestly i didn’t think she’d use the r word to fake anger that did take me by surprise

Using the r word repeatedly is a good way to have you name appear in #justice in ToL.
I was facepalming when Alice was using the r word.

No one ever suspects someone using the r word when it’s backward :sunglasses: .

Same, though. Which is why I think she went too far with this. But I digress.

Honestly. I probably should picked up that Alice wasn’t town. My arguements day 1 with her left me feeling “She seems exactly like Cult King Alice in that Hydra FOL” but I didn’t voice it since I thought that read was coloured/Unreliable because I was Scum myself.

I mean when I pushed Alice she just called me a “fucking retard” so I stopped cuz I play FM for fun.

But good job.


Honestly, this is super concise yet super relatable.


She called half the playerlist retards at some point.

Yes and everyone who wasn’t called the r word was dead right?

lmao wanting to read alice but she’s super mad so i just go “eh there are easier targets” and ignore her and just pray that she’s town KEK