[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

good post

wolfy post, but still good post

From thinking that mole has a decent chance of being scum… what else?

A pokemon pun? How Onyx pected!


Anyone care to guess what I’m making?

Another bad pokemon pun lockscum

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birthday party invite list

what made you originally thing that is what I’m asking

The graveyard day 5

Luvdisc to see those


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It’s exactly the same post that pinged you when you’re apparently looking for scum. That’s a mindmeld to me. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

well you scumread cloned, so it’s probably not a towncore

It begins with shot and ends with list.

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Why’s cheese there Alice?

eeveeryone out here making bad puns, smh

Can you tell me why it doesn’t include Ici?

Their ISO was full of undermining people and just generally being… weird.

Who is they?

So far his only real read has been on Dat who’s a consensus scumread and his reaction to being piled on by NPCs was horrible.

Lack of independent thought and narrow reads for him is a bad look as that’s why I caught him in ToS2.

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I’m going to guess you misspelled shit and it’s shitlist? /s