[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

A list of your ex-lovers?


Thanks for this, makes sense

“Their” is a gender-neutral possessive pronoun…?

I hope you’re furret-eal though

This one wasn’t as good tbh

Haven’t bothered to read Ici yet.

But who are you referring to?

It was a real chansey one, some people might have liked it. I didn’t though.

You, dingus.

alright that’s enough everybody go home we’re done here

im back what happened

I thought so.

Well… I’m a mole… What else would I do?

Make a good pokemon pun or lockscum


i accept you as one of the strongest players on this site

and i know that your style of play involves immense level of shitposting

i just ask that you tone it down a bit. Drowning threads in spam helps wolves. Don’t let vul’s plea be in vain.

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Add Napoleon to here.

Hmmm, I see. He has been acting rather wolfy as of late. /vote Centuries @Firekitten

Boom lockscum

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Okay I’m being an idiot I’m going to try and tone down meme posts now thanks N

Speaking of moles…

My mole joke was supposed to be an excadrill joke but it turned out bad