[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

:man_shrugging: its an event in itself but the ten person one idk

I was busy in a meeting

Sorry timing permits to be on when im on, if u want me to do something for the 2001 sure I can probably be around

I literally was having dinner, then went for a walk >_>
I now have a drink with me.

I love how Alice sees my question ignores it, but loathes that i joined back into the discussion.

and now threads dead/im impatient and want to talk to people

Is this making a point or…?

Oh and there was a peek?

FAF my guy

FAF? sorry not sure what that means

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Fake as fuck

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so PKR why are u voting a toaster?

I literally was out and commented on other mechanical things when I saw it before.
Not much I can say but I legit wasn’t around so this peek thing is new news to me.

Your posts feel fairly performative so far and I have yet to see any form of critical thinking coming from you.

I voted early in the day after it was announced to be another character but a NPC.
I’m going to make a readslist and then I’ll likely vote my top scum

:man_shrugging: same here from ya. Your thoughts have been very surface level atm

Its like wow three people joined convo around the same time and after ten minutes of an event, collusion I think so

Like cmon wheres the Alice I know

I mean I’m not putting you three together. It’s just that I dislike how three people literally just resumed posting once a lie detector event and an event with death ended.

I think a lot of people here know that if there are events I will join them even if they risk death.
I have evidence of doing that anyway.

I was not around, sorry, that’s all that I can say.
Even if it seems ‘FAF’ or whatnot.

And wow its like people have a life that dictates they can get on, it just seems like a pointless thing to bring up, like sure… scum could have purposefully waited til after two events but wouldnt they at least want to participate in the lie detector. The death one sure. But like i would have signed up if i had a chance. Now again thats me saying I would which means jack squat in the long run as theres no evidence, but like this is such a moot point