[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Could do something like i share and alignment with the player (not role) with ____.

This way they have to tunnel the other person and we go 1 for 1 at worst

No like the hit was on me, I luckily survived


Wait what?

With Mist1422.
Or we can use it as a parity cop if we choose living players like you suggested.

I would not recommend insulting varanus


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This post looks sort of good

Weird thought

Last sentence doesn’t make sense in phrasing
For such posts Kyo is making, they are going utr

I wonder if anyone but Eevee knew that TEWSOMETHING OR OTHER was a person and not a faction.

Ignore the bottom I was too lazy to crop it

Parady Cop would be my sugestion with two living players.

That way we deal with two of them.

If we get a match we go and match one of the two with a new person next time.

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I just need to say this.
Due to Eevee showing someone the first roast, my heart has been beating really fast.
I am actually going to try and cool down and rest.
Myself and Chubby have background so I legit am scared especially since my roast hasn’t been resolved yet.

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Sounds like a singular role to me… oof

Must be but eevee already said that at the cookie post.

Ah. Good point.

That isn’t going to give us much info. Any scum would know they need to pretend to be town.

Questions science have npt yet answered

Richard I’m not quite sure if you know what they’re talking about

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Could you at least attempt to describe it for the audience

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Are we not talking about the fricking cookie?