[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Y’know what, fuck it.

Seriously, everyone here that’s low on my list is there for a reason, and I’m frustrated as well.

Stop fucking complaining about being scumread. Stop talking about mechanics. And start fucking wolfhunting. Get a pelt, make interactions to allow me to read a wolf’s spew better.

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im sorry im talking about what i am blatantly better at decoding and using to find wolves than reads

People aren’t talking about mechanics as much that it’s a problem
The problem is that people are making completely opinionated reads
I’ve seen at least three

Yeah this reminds me of ToS 2.

i’ve given like 6 pelts

Alice, you yourself said that it was pointless to discuss about this lie detector-esque thing and yet you decided to start talking about it again (IIRC)

We don’t even know if it is legit, or if it is, whether it’s a reliable whatever or whether it’s just whatever shit eevee wants the cookie to be.

We need to avoid this discussion until like 2900 (Since cookie is 2999 iirc)
Use the posts in the meantime for reads and actual meaningful things.

this still applies in closed, bastard, eevee setups

Well when u catch up completly i would love to talk with u urs

It’s a fucking closed setup.

How the fuck are you going to use mechanics to find wolves on a fucking closed setup? Especially on day 1.

on urs*

@Moleland are your jokes genuine or not

If you don’t know what I mean then it’s fine

I agree with this i know i havn’t done alot today but like so many people are lower then me on the reads list and i don’t think i’ve done anything noteworthy (except that idea for cookies maybe) cause am not a D1 carry town kinda guy wait till later and thats when i start getting better.


this contains at least 3 wolves imo

gut read alice v

i don’t remember ever seeing this sort of fumingness from scum alice. I might be wrong but this sort of extreme exasperation seems pretty allusive to ToS 2, at least to me.

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Alice you’re trying to fucking use something as an extra parity cop.
I understand your frustration but god I hate how it’s hypocritical

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@Leafia top town read?

also centuries is a villager and y’all can fight me on that

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My jokes are always genuine

I’d like to see your reasoning so I can advance (pokemon advanced get it) further into my very own little gaem

I have from older games, doesnt mean its AI at all as shes done it as both allignments. Doesnt really change my read on her