[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Not faction faction (I assume)
Just the Blue/Pink thing in the OP.
Your reaction felt a bit forced but I like you so just relax.



is probably it

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are you a politician

yeah ok

I was just taken back to the blue side

thank you person on the blue side for having me back

it seems like everyone wants me

Yeah I realised that it wasn’t faction faction about 5 seconds after I posted it
Oh well.

Probably the Chloe role changing you back as you wanted.

IIRC you was changed by Mist (DatBird) and then you wanted changed back?

It’s logical to assume it’s the blue/pink thing but we do have to consider the possibility it is actual factions because this is an eevee game, anything is possible.

yeah I did

thank you chleb

That’s what that represents?

if you look in OP i changed

so it’s not faction faction

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User Union and Judge Alliance (Or something like that)
Members of one can only target the other one with abilities and ITAs etc.

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Also I am in the process of making my list 2.0 still and I have some spicy ones

Who are your top town reads so far?

If leaf flips town this game, I’ll replace out and never play fm again. Just saying

I’m telling you right now she is almost certainly town from what I’ve seen so far.

Kyo and Trustworthy.
They are such high townreads that I will only ever vote them if they are red checked by someone I high townread.

Here’s a hot take - There’s a 95% chance that Alice is lying about her role

And people think Moles are blind…

Interesting, I’ve been putting Kyo and TrustworthyLib as likely village too.


Gimme a TLDR of important stuff I missed