[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

whats that?

Scum have killing abilities. That isn’t going to convince us that you’re town.

sure what u want to know on me?

shoot a player. Kills them if they are scum and kills you if you are town



From now on cast your votes in this thread:

With 33 players voting it’s neigh impossible for us to scroll everything to find votes.


Another Eevee event Eevee?

uuhh ok hello peoples

Iiiiiiim kinda gonna give up on reading this game

ill backread starting like d3 when there are less peopel

With that kind of attitude, you won’t survive until D3.

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with that additude you sure as hell aren’t making it to d3 lmao


I can’t remember the last tome I back read more than 100 posts

So like

Not really

holy fuck did leaf and I mindmeld

I thought someone changed my pfp and I was reading my own post but leafia made it

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Cloned like this doesnt help anyone solve ur slot, I get readin a lot of posts is hard, but just read in the moment if it comes down to it. Read only a few people, no ones asking for 30 total reads

mindmeld lockscum

I’m pretty sure most people don’t back read in mashes from what iv heard off site?

Wow. Laughs It seems we did.

this is what I mean by no backread

it’s not even been half the day and we be at 2670

load fucking forum :angry:


Why’s it say that this topic will automatically close in a day?