[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Here’s the wall

town leader italy
town leader italy

Not doing meta here, it’s just hard to read someone who doesn’t care about the game. Would rather he get copped by now.

Thinking Italy town currently

Alrighty then. Yet Italy is another one whose slot can be resolved quickly if you know how to read him.

Rn I’m split between Cheese/Simon regarding who to vig.

the problem is
italy doesn’t want you to be able to read him :upside_down_face:

Can you quote some particular posts of me in this game that make you feel the same way? I just read the other game and I think I’m already showing a way better positive front for now, so kind of happy with that.

Do you have a vig?

I don’t think it’s working though :slight_smile: .

i would but I don’t particularly feel like explaining to you why you’re a villager
i’m not unwilling to if you’re on the chopping block but i have better things to do for now

is this an actual vig y/n

You should try playing the game as a wolf then, it makes it a tad harder to read you

It would help me in sorting you. :thinking:

Yes, Sulit and I won it from the insult event.

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Alice pls.

Sulit should shoot light

Cheese is town don’t shoot them

I haven’t seen a single post from Simon so :man_shrugging:t2:

I wanna see you chase your SRs as that’s your towntell.

When you do it you become an obvious villager.

Why do you think so?
