[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I’m just going to bump Mode from a 5 to a 6, not make another huge list.
He’s acting really normal, no extreme reactions at all.
It’s almost as if nothing had happened.

I think Wolf!Seth would be somewhat more panicked here because it seems scum lost a role which would likely get more powerful over time and that would be a loss that would affect Seth’s tone and playstyle.

Leafia’s High You Must be really Confident.

You got me worried Leafia rolled NK.

Never mind this point. They did similar meme votes before that on Kyo and Sulit.

Wait isn’t nappy in a chat with Marshal flavor or did I misread

I would like to know who this is

I think if Alice and Leafia is Duo NK we are fucked.
Especially if Leafia busses Alice.

What do you mean by this, Seth?
Do you think Leaf is a NK?
Or is this that you’re worried that Leaf is being cleared too easily or something?

It’s kind of obvious rn.

Seth please explain.
Don’t just say stuff like this.

I’m worried of the possibility that this is there NK game based around their ISO.

I’d agree on Apprentice, but I’d say that this is just looking good for Alice, but does not warrant lock towning in my opinion. It’s not like Napoleon’s slot would ever live past day 2 with a looming counterclaim around the corner.

I’m not good at reading for that shit

Who is it?

Do you mind explaining that?
I fully disagree with you.

Since wolves already know this, then App obviously knew Nap wasn’t Chloe because he’s Marshal and knew that Nap was actually Derps.

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Yeah true

Who should I shoot?

Bruh nappy why would you claim Chloe when you’re In a neighborhood lmao

This is pretty much the bottom of my readlist rn. You’re free to shoot anyone there.

I think ITA works but maybe it’s not till tomorrow.
I need to try it on someone.