[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

/vote clonedcheese quicklynch gogogogooggoog

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i have free reign on my vote until frost votes

temporary freedom

I savor it


/vote ClonedCheese

I was reading until you voted him as well, oh look, grass!

clonedcheese is probably wolf

that is my 2nd priority

time to find Marshal

Ok, why was the comment dumb?

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i trade you marshal for centuries marshal yes

… This is making more sense now


ok back to actually not playing mafia

ur comment was like a 6/10 on the stupid scale because me not giving a fuck is the oppisite of neut indicative for me

and cheese’s “hmmm yeess maaaybbeeeeee thats the case hmmm” felt faker than the goddamn moon landing

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So cloned cheese other than your read on me you got anything else on your mind atm that isnt mechanics related?


Too many people are piling on the vote suddenly.

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Okay Marshal is a good boy I can move on

and we were so close to quicklynching him with 34 alive too


“Ill sheep anyone” is a really good neut soft that you can call on later


I have found cheese’s vibe
this is the ultimate viberead


First time I’ve actually died laughing in an FM game thanks Marshal

But why are people wagoning this :unamused:

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how the fuck

is that a neut soft


it’s just a dumb thing i’m doing cuz I don’t rlly care

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