[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

i said in advance i wouldnt be here much during the first day or so.
because i really cant function that well in this many people.
not having the ability to go through the logs of when your gone really downsizes things.
but you really shouldnt be killing me here.
i honestly dont even know if im dead already right now.
i can see from the playercount (because i noticed that first yet again) that someone died, and presumably you killed them.

I TR Mole

I just said I was going to vig mode stop voting him

Mole going for towncred here by wanting to vote his scumbuddy.

this is what PKR said in insurgency that made us not lynch mode

I made him claim flavor so I could vig him


Why not light? As u think hes scum or me as u think I wrote a scums in your opinion post

assuming its not me since i’ve not been yelled at, who did alice kill?


How many times do I need to say it

make oB claim flavor and vig him if you want him dead so bad

Oh wait SDA flavor flip makes it 1/4 at most most likely 1/3

I’ve tried mode already claimed flavor though


I just realized that Seth might have been claiming that his death brings about mod elections. Thoughts, anyone?

Exactly why I’m not hardclaiming jfc

tfw you didnt know derps is a flavor vig.
im going to have to ask for whats been claimed either d2 or d3 i see

Mode claimed Italy, essentially.

that would be very good

as chloe is alive and she would get the abils

wouldnt that just be good for town?
like then theres less penalty for mafia killing whomever is Chloe