[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I was literally the only one that thought that while Nappy was still alive.

I ISO’d your full game, and, yeah, that about matches up with what I saw :confused:

Honestly if that was written in the OP I’m willing to just mentally surrender this game bc if I’m not even noticing that I’m going to miserably fail at reading LOL

datbird leads the user union
chloe leads the judge alliance

DatBird flipped pink so by PoE…

You might be missing my point here
People who were still calling you scum immediately after Nap’s flip were vets.
If they were scum, they woulda known that if they wanted to seem like town they would have just agreed with you and dropped it.
If they’re scum and kept pushing you, what would they gain from that besides a possible mislynch on you? They’d just get a target on their back and a gamble not worth taking.

Honestly I had no idea they were split in the two sides, makes sense but I just thought it was lolmechs that make it so we have to think more about ITA and Actions

This is tonally better but also vastly different from the first one lol

@SirDerpsAlot I made another ISO. Hired someone else this time.

^ see above

did nobody ever realize this?

I… wasn’t thinking about it.

nappy literally couldn’t be chloe he was user union

Like this feels more written by you but I don’t think most of the thoughts are yours

Both of them were written by me, and all the thoughts are mind. I’m not in a scumchat, mason, or neighborhood, or any other type of whateverthefuckthey’recalled

This wall is also just bad

What a shame. I’m honestly just devastated by your opinion, SDA. Honestly. Crushed.

I mean theirs not much of any actual analysis in it just stating what he said

Sorry that there wasn’t a lot of analysis to be made.

They’d get you calling them town due to their play with that reasoning. Because it would be a suboptimal play because people wouldn’t expect it. Sometimes the plays that seem like the dumbest plays are actually the smart ones because people think that they wouldn’t be tried.

Let me put it this way. If they’re vets and they’re town, they’d realize that me being scum is unlikely at best and no town wants to try pushing another town. You can’t just consider one part of the picture. You have to consider the entire picture.