[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

am i the only one who thinks sda is weird like he spammed the thread with so much fluff it got annoying

Currently: Derps owes me both of his balls, and his left buttcheek, and I owe him a readlist.

Yes but the fact that they all joined like right at the same time and I scumread all of them

i’m on the cookie thread

Most likely i was cleaning a bunch and say an event so yeah i get to play one.

Italy though did join which is the main one that catchs my eye

at least make it even
take the right one too

I always do this?

I have been pissed at town, look at anytime i interacted with emilia as town. I feel hes on the same level

Right now I want to say town as u are so up your own butt. U weren’t like this in jojo

yes but ure doing this when like me alice and even marshal are telling to stop doing it

Jojo was not fun my team died like D3 never again


That dosent change the fact that I always do it? What the fuck kind of push is this

3 more minutes

I’m not even pushing my read LOL

Sorry but your “let’s talk about ham xDxDxD” post is so annoying

also my day is currently ruined

but you’ve also been pissed as scum
it shows all the time in your scumgames, albeit not as much as nervousness

I don’t know why you are taking stance that this is AI
that seems wack

Signups are actually closed because the maximum was supposed to be 12. Moleland was removed from signups (I didn’t write that there was a maximum, my bad)

i dropped a plate full of food, and in a chain reaction ended up spilling half my drink onto the floor

somebody make me feel like my existence isn’t worthless

you are worthless

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