[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that the Toaster is controlled by the villager. The player who’s likely controlling the pencil sharpner has been falling in my reads, but I still wouldn’t shoot there. Though you can shoot the Arete Bot as much as you want.

You think their all different people?

I think they are all different people personally

Yes. I’ve been tracking their votes and the Toaster and Pencil Sharpner are literally just following a single player 1:1.

These seem pretty blendinish

Who do you think is controlling the Arete bot Alice?

Yeah D1 bland reads still stating them cause well i should.

Oh I see I think I see it too for one of them

Still what flavor do you think it would be

This game was worth the wait.

@TrustworthyLiberal can I get your thought process on me? Thanks <3

Stop talking about flavor as it just fucking spews players as Chloe/Non-Chloe.

I’m talking about the flavor of an npc…?

talking about who controls the NPCs is part of flavor

Idc who it actually is controlling it just the flavor so I just need to figure out what flavor would make the npc

Do you think knowing what is the flavor of the person controlling the winged toaster account help us in any way?

…they probably don’t have flavors.

Idc who controls them

The flavor of who controls them

just stop

you can do anything else


They do I asked and to claimvig them I need to use the flavor of whoever controls them
